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Our Mission

JedoTek is purely about a better future.  

A better future for those whom are born into average families, those who are born in the poorest families, but also in the wealthiest families.  

A better future whether you are a man, a woman, or however you wish to be identified as.

A better future whether your skin is black, white, brown, yellow, red or any shade in between. 

A better future even if you've made mistakes in the past.  JedoTek believes it can bring a better future for everyone no matter what cards they were dealt.

We've identified five major areas that JedoTek can bring value to.  Biomedical, Cybernetics, Robotics, Nanotechnology, and Genetics.  These five areas whether utilized alone or combined can have a massive positive impact on the world.

We've seen the red tape involved to bringing new technology in this field to market.  And that red tape isn't always about safety, but profits for investors, shareholders, and insurance companies.  We don't see it that way.  The world comes first for us.  We're going to cut out that red tape when it's about safety concerns.

We want to bring better quality products and services to market, faster, and cheaper.  

There is nothing more saddening to us knowing that a person in the world cannot afford life saving technology simply because the insurance company has added $$$$ to the price tag of the item.  A child who is innocent and hasn't experienced life and who will never get that chance because his/her parents cannot afford the device that will save the life of that child.

JedoTek is going to change the future for the better.  Who is with us?